We are pleased to offer our Crew Achievement Awards Program. This program is for crew and student pilots who are members of GEBA. Private and commercial pilot members are welcome to participate as well, but they will receive only a certificate upon completion of a level. The program can be both an educational and fun way to enjoy ballooning. By doing this in-house, we hope to make it affordable for all. The program does not replace the BFA program. We encourage you to do both if you desire. Here is how the GEBA program works*:

LEVEL ONE has nine (9) requirements and a total of twelve (12) crews to be completed. When completed, you will receive a certificate and your choice of a crew logbook or a tri-fold brochure on crewing. The cost for Level One is $5.00**. (**ALL FEES WILL BE WAIVED FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021.) Level One Application

LEVEL TWO has thirteen (13) requirements and a total of thirty (30) crews to be completed. When completed, you will receive a certificate and your choice of Gordon Schwontkowski’s Crewing Essentials book or tri-fold brochure on crewing, GEBA pin and GEBA t-shirt. The cost for Level Two is $10.00**. (**ALL FEES WILL BE WAIVED FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021.) Level Two Application

LEVEL THREE has sixteen (16) requirements and a total of seventy (70) crews to be completed. When completed, you will have your choice of a Private Pilot Written Test Prep book or a GEBA t-shirt. You will also receive a 5×7 plaque with the GEBA logo and Crew Chief on it. The cost for Level Three is $12.00**. (**ALL FEES WILL BE WAIVED FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021.) Level Three Application

LEVEL FOUR has thirteen (13) requirements and a total of one hundred (100) crews to be completed. When completed, you will receive either a shirt or hat (your choice) with the GEBA logo and Master Crew Chief on it. You will also receive an 8×10 plaque with the GEBA logo and Master Crew Chief on it. The cost for Level Four is $15.00**. (**ALL FEES WILL BE WAIVED FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021.) Level Four Application

Levels One and Two do not require a pilot to sign you off. Levels Three and Four do. Links to all the paperwork you need to complete each level are listed below. In an effort to cut costs, awards will not be shipped; arrangements will be made with the crew person for retrieval.

Any crew member that completes Level One or Two will receive an entry into an annual drawing for a $50 gift card of the crew member’s choice between VISA or Amazon. Two $50 gift card winners will be drawn annually.

Any crew member that completes Level Three or Four will receive an entry into an annual drawing for one $75 gift card of the crew member’s choice between VISA or Amazon.

You may also download the forms below. Enjoy the program, have fun with it, and be safe.

(Click to download)
Level One Application
Level Two Application
Level Three Application
Level Four Application

Please feel free to contact Bill Miller at with any questions.

*A summary letter from a pilot will not be accepted as proof of level completion. We realize that many crew do not maintain a log similar to that of a pilot. In place of a log, crew may send another form of documentation (MS Word document, MS Excel file, handwritten, etc.) for each ‘crew’ completed that contains the date and activities completed during that crew. This documentation will be used to verify the number of crews and skills completed for each level of the program.

Click on a Recognition below to learn more:

Nominations due December 31, 2024

Ted Torok was a friend of yours whether or not you actually knew him, because Ted was a friend of
ballooning. As a charter member of the Great Eastern Balloon Association, Ted was influential in the
success GEBA enjoyed in its early years. Ted was an officer and hard worker for the association. Ted,
together with Jacques Soukup, wrote the by-laws of GEBA. He was a husband, father, grandfather, PAD
engineer, certified dog show judge, expert wine maker, and nationally ranked in the Masons.

Ted had definite ideas of what ballooning and balloonists should be like. It wasn’t necessary to believe
exactly what he believed to know his motivation was to benefit ballooning. If it was good for ballooning,
Ted was for it. If it was bad for ballooning he was clear in his objection. Although his time with GEBA was
short, he had a profound influence on the character and goals of the club.

⇒click on ARCHIVE (Take a look on an article from 1985 sent by Joyce Lang)
⇒click on JOURNAL (Article from The Morning Call Journal 1985 sent by Joyce Lang)

Description of the Torok Award: This award will be presented to a member of GEBA who best exemplifies the true meaning of sportsmanship and has made a positive contribution to the sport of ballooning. Nominations will be accepted in writing from any member and will be selected by the five previous winners of the award. This award will be presented at the annual awards dinner.

For instructions on how to nominate someone for the Torok Sportsmanship Award, or any other award, please see the Recognition main page.

Winner of Ted Torok Sportmanship Award for 2023:

Dawn Chase

Past Winners:

2022 – John Piper
2021 – RJ Letrent
2020 – Joyce Lang
2019 – Jenn Goldbloom
2018 – Tony Saxton
2017 – Barb Magnano
2016 – Bob Sparks
2015 – Robin Larkin
2014 – Fred Grotenhuis and Giulia Lannitelli
2013 – Rich and Emelia Bernava
2012 – Gene Burnstein
2011 – Dick & Mary Beth Young
2010 – Bob Mueller
2009 – Uli Krahenbuhl
2008 – David & Sue Lee
2007 – Jack Edling
2006 – John Coulahan
2005 – Rodger Kell
2004 – Mike Fairbanks
2003 – Bert Padelt
2002 – Keith Standly Jr
2001 – Jim Doerer
2000 – Ken Leota
1999 – Al Dashevsky
1998 – Dave & Evelyn Tryon
1997 – Joe Doerer
1996 – Johann Schneider
1995 – Dean Maurer
1994 – Sue Brown
1993 – Bob Dicks
1992 – W. Barry Nixon
1991 – Marie Dicks
1990 – Doug Lane
1989 – Dave Wilsey
1988 – Chris Mooney


This award is given at the president’s discretion to a GEBA member who has truly gone above and beyond in their service to the club and ballooning.

Winners for 2023:
Lani Diemicke

Past Winners

2022 – Tony Saxton and Dawn Chase
2020 – Dick & Mary Beth Young
2019 – RJ Letrent
2018 – Jennifer Goldbloom
2017 – Kathy Coulahan
2015 – Joe DeLucia
2013 – Joe Doerer
2012 – Emelia Bernava
2010 – Janet Leota
2009 – Robin Larkin Loesser
2005 – Johann Scheinder and Mike Fairbanks
2004 – Al Dashevsky

Nominations due December 31, 2024

The Dan Decker Crew Achievement Award is typically presented to a number of GEBA crew members yearly, allowing them to attend the next scheduled GEBA Continuing Education Seminar at no cost. Because many couples work as a team, we do recognize them as such. The award is presented in honor of past GEBA member Dan Decker.

Dan Decker was very involved with GEBA in the early years, and was the president at the time of his death in 1990. He was the one that suggested we have seven board members instead of six, so if anything came up for a vote, there would never be a tie. He was instrumental in many of the legal issues that GEBA was involved in, and wrote the position paper on behalf of the club when the anti-ballooning bill was introduced into the NJ Senate. That position paper has been used around the country to help fight other anti-ballooning legislation. He was also working on projects for the BFA at the time of his death. One of his primary goals was to promote proper treatment of landowners and foster a better understanding of ballooning. He was the consummate volunteer — hard working, thorough, and dependable.

For instructions on how to nominate someone for the Dan Decker Crew Achievement Award, or any other award, please see the Recognition main page.

Winner of Dan Decker Crew Achievement Award for 2024:

Tim Glackin


Jim Doerer
Dave Gilbert

Dave Tyron
Evelyn Tyron

Patricia Henneforth
Elaine Balling

Joan Mount
Janet Leota
Ben Darling

Carl Balling
Graden Howell
Marion Nixon

Valorie Calef
Karen Konash
Debhorah Slahta
Sue West

Teri Lyman
Diane Maurer
JR Maehr
Gene Burnstein

Linda Allen
Suzanne Hanbicki
Dennis Chiarelli
Keith Standley
Donna Chabra
Tracy Nash

Vickie Hance
John & Rosie Surie
Art & Jan Sussman

John Borders
Janet Doerer
Liz Htz
LT. Steve Moylan
Val Von Iglau

Susan Bennett
Tim Cardinal
Vince Downey
Susan Meyers

Dave & Sue Lee
Wayne McFarland
Cindy Ostergaard
Brian & Joell Swope

Joan Blair
Vincent Ceppaluni
Kathy Coulahan
Clair Hamanaka
Jeff Leaver
Peter Tisa

Karen Bowker
Bev Schneider
Ken Loesser
Glenna Matkowsky

Andrew Piech
Linda Sikora
Robert Ruff

Kelly Figler
Dorothy Gergely
Janet Leota
Christine Serra

Maggie Linzer
Rich (RJ) Letrent

BJ Taylor
Anthony Gentile

Joe DeLucia
Shirley Krahenbuhl
Mike & Elaine Cameron

Mary Jo Wolfenden
Sue Grant
Barbara Magnano
Fred Rivera

Richard Bernava
Wayne Sudol
Alan Wersler
Dan Whalen

Kevin Wolfenden
Mary Beth Antonucci
Kenny Adamsbaum
Betsy Miller
Adam Leota

Karen Smith
Charlie and Marianne Mera
Bill Sweeney

Larry Coy
Sal Panico

Fernando Batista
Patrick Cullen
Jocelyn Gonzalez
Bill Van Zee

Adrianne Gasser
Lani Diemicke
Kyle Kokotajlo
Ruth Standley

Robin Smith
Kevan Williams

Don Hoy
Anne Rivera

Ali Szabo
Philip Saxton

Karen Ivanyo

No Nominations Received

Steve Grumbach


Marie Dicks

Tim Glackin

This scholarship is offered to a student hot air balloon pilot to help offset the costs of the Private Pilot Written Exam. This scholarship was conceived to honor the memory of those late GEBA members who played major roles in the training of new pilots. To apply for the scholarship, applicants must hold a student pilot certificate, be a GEBA member, and have taken and passed the Private Pilot Written Exam during the previous year (January 1 – December 31). The student pilot must have been a GEBA member in good standing for the year in which their exam is completed, and also when the scholarship is awarded at the current year’s May meeting. Note: due date for submitting their results is March 30th of the year following their exam.

This scholarship is presented in the spring to help offset the costs for attending one of that year’s Junior Balloonist Camps. To apply for the scholarship, applicants must be 13-17 years old, members of GEBA and must write an essay describing his or her ballooning experience and why he or she wants to attend balloon camp. Previous recipients may not receive a second scholarship. The GEBA Board will read the essays, select a winner and announce the winner at the May meeting. The deadline for entries is March 30th. Please submit the essays to Jenn Goldbloom. Scholarship winners are required to do a presentation on their camp experience at the following November meeting. If you would like more information, please contact a GEBA Board member.